
  1. Internship in research laboratory

    LPSC (Laboratoire Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie)
    • Subject: Study of milky-way sub-halos through their impacts on stellar streams.
    • Supervisor: Dr. Marine Kuna.  
  2. Internship in research laboratory

    LPSC (Laboratoire Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie)
    • Subject: Solving a differential equation for calibration of the ATLAS detector via a neural networks.
    • Supervisor: Dr. Pierre-Antoine Delsart.  
    • Responsibilities include: introduction to neural networks and ATLAS detector, modelling (python)
    • More details here
  3. Internship in research laboratory

    University of Turku
    • Subject: polarimetric signatures of accreting black holes.

    • Supervisor: Dr. Alexandra Veledina.

    • Responsibilities include: bibliography research, theoretical study, modelling (python).

    • More details here


  1. PhD in Cosmology

    Université Grenoble Alpes
    Research on the study of Milky Way sub-halos and their impacts on stellar streams.
  2. Master in Cosmology and Particle Physics

    Université Grenoble Alpes
    Master program focusing on both theoretical and experimental aspects of cosmology and particle physics.
  3. Magister in Fundamental Physics

    Université Grenoble Alpes
    Specialized courses in advanced mathematics applied to physics.
  4. Master's in Fundamental Physics

    Université Grenoble Alpes
    First year of a Master’s program with a focus on core principles of fundamental physics.
  5. BSc in Physics (Selective Program)

    Université Paul Sabatier
    Selective Bachelor’s degree in Physics, with an emphasis on preparation for a research career.
Excellence grant IN2P3 (CNRS)
IN2P3 ∙ January 2024
I was one of five Masters students to receive the very first Reynald Pain ‘deux infinis’ excellence grants at the CNRS headquarters. The aim of this new IN2P3 programme is to help and support young people in their second year of a Masters degree, by awarding them a grant and an offer of an internship in an IN2P3 laboratory.